The Best Red Wine And Red Wine Benefits

Not only does soaking the skins give red wine its color, it also imparts a substance known as tannin. Tannin is what gives red wines a complexity that is beyond that of most white wines.
Do you know why red wines age better than white?
It is the tannin which gives the smell of wine in your mouth. Over time, the qualities of the tannin will mellow and blend harmoniously with the other characteristics of the wine. This is one of the main reasons that red wines usually age better than whites.
Benefits - Anti-Oxidants in wine
Red Wine contains Anti-Oxidants which is good for health. Drinking red wine can improve heart health and circulation while also preventing cancer. This site is for those looking for information, articles and news on red wine and health.
Aging Process
Red wines are most often aged in wood barrels to provide a deeper, richer flavor, sometimes described as woody, while white wines are not stored in wood to maintain their usually cleaner, clear taste. There are also guidelines on the types of wine to drink with different types of food, but many find the guidelines are not all encompassing.
Types of Best Red wines
Merlot is one of the finest vintages of red wine and also one of the most popular. The higher alcohol content of merlot makes it an especial favorite among restaurateurs with an affinity for gourmet fare. Merlot has a rich and full-bodied flavor.
Cabernet Sauvignon
Cabernet Sauvignon is the most common red wine that you will find most commonly in homes across America. This rich, full-flavored beverage goes well with most any dish other than fish or seafood.
The Zinfandel varieties of red wine are most often classified as ladies wine, due to their subtle and light flavor. Zinfandel can be found in both red and white varieties, it is the red which is most popular among wine drinkers who appreciate the richness of a red wine, but the subtlety of white.
What foods go fine with red wine?
For the most part, guidelines say that red wine should be consumed with red meats and white wines with white meat. However, with the different flavors of the different types of wine, people are finding that some red wines taste better with fish and some white wines go better with their beef. Essentially, it is a matter of individual taste that determines the flavor of the wine, regardless of the meal.
Do you know that not all wines are made of grapes!
Not all wines are made of grapes, and these types of wine are usually indicated by their name such as apple wine or elderberry wine. There is also several types of wine that are made from grains such as rice, but they usually have a closer resemblance to beer instead of the smoother taste of wine. There is even wine made from grapes that have been frozen on the vine known as ice wine that offers a crisper taste.