Wine Drinking Guidelines

Drinking is a part of almost every social gathering. It has become a tradition now to drink on several happy occasions. So drinking is a socially accepted thing now. On such occasions people drink alcohol without judging their drinking limits that results several inconvenient and embarrassing situations. Studies show that around 60% of road accidents happen due to over drinking.
To avoid such situations, and enjoy the taste as well as effect of wine, you need to be in your limits, and should never go beyond that. If you’ll follow this principle strictly, you’ll keep yourself away from all those embarrassment and inconvenience caused by over drinking.
Well, alcohol affects directly on our nervous system, and even a little amount of alcohol is harmful and can create dangerous situation. People think that they have a safe limit of drinking wine, but the truth is different, there is no safe limit when it comes to wine or other alcoholic drinks. According to people their have a safe drinking limit, even after that they can perform all chores of their daily life properly.
There are different set safer drinking levels for men and women, based on medical and scientific researches. We should remember that there is no level of drinking that is safe for everyone all the time. There are several factors like health, age, weight, and individual will power which directly affect this safe limit of drinking for individuals. For some people the only safe option is no drinking.
Specially, women should avoid drinking wine during pregnancy. Drinking is directly related with Body-Mass Index (BMI) of people, thin people should also avoid drinking too much of wine, or other alcoholic drinks. After drinking people should avoid activities which need instant decision making, like driving, boating, scuba diving, or operating complex machinery.